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Sale of spare parts for the classic Citroën models, in particular DS, GS(A), Visa, CX, 2CV, Dyane, Méhari and BX.

If you have trouble finding something in the online catalogue, you are welcome to send a mail to

A selection of parts currently in stock:
Click on the pictures or see it all.
5 471 569 26 201 109 CKC 03 002 AM 224 97 96 076 176 95 608 528
DK 21 002 5 438 690 GX 11 162 01A 95 534 908 93 501 758 5 507 504
95 495 482 96 082 775 ZQ 79 03 065 139 95 653 000 95 495 551 95 548 494
1723.S6 95 563 810 94 01 621 618 95 495 701 5 452 493*304 95 604 855*FJC
5 410 472 DM 575 6 A 95 624 483 5 500 449 AY 541 184 A 91 595 304
95 634 829*FLD ZC 9 855 269 U 5 451 055 95 603 328 GX 06 170 01A 92 535 967
A 426 99 95 532 947 5 472 702 95 492 813 AZU 841 81A 95 591 148
5 428 320 DS 851 157 AM 541 12 D ZC 9 867 638 U ZF 04 439 194 95 653 061
The newest documents. See them all in the list or under The Cars.
<b>662</b> AC1062 MIC 000175 MIC 00370D DK76007 AC240 AC239 MIC 03191 <b>649</b> Mehari4x4 79 AC1920(34) CAT 020<b>600</b>H(88) Gamme69 CAT 020<b>600</b>H(89) NaissDS-bis AC1998 Fenwick 69 TAP-Pony Peugeot 760-DK FiatScudo03 NaissDS NaissCX Aerodyn80 CIFC LE2 BRE 09<b>892</b>7 AC596-4 AC596 <b>10</b> AC2912 AC2807 AC1556 07.503 CAR 000860 <b>424</b>(60) AC2892 CC19X <b>810</b>-2 AC4133 Kursus GS Kursus CX GTi AC6035 AC5517 AC5418 07.910 07.901 07.605 07.512 07.980 08.388 Kursus BX TarifSecurit34 <b>614</b>-2 <b>580</b>-4 Perkins-4.192 <b>856</b>-1/da
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